
Our Story
Blackheath Tag Rugby Club is predominantly a social group who play Tag (NON contact) Rugby weekly, based in Blackheath SE London, that competes in London Leagues and competitions.
The club was founded in 2023 by John Gavin and Deborah King building on the development of other local clubs and how successful they have become.
This platform(established by John Gavin in May 9th 2019) was to help get information out to local taggers which led to the club forming three years later.
Tag Rugby is one of the fastest growing non contact sports known and suits all sorts of lifestyles due to it’s accessibility. You don’t need to have any particular set of skills or level of fitness, just the right attitude. It’s very social and dynamic because it’s a mixed gender activity.
Like other clubs of this nature it is very much a community driven endeavour hosting monthly events to keep the local community engaged.
The club teams are entered into the London Leagues including the new Blackheath League run by NCR Sports, every month. It’s also worth noting we are a developing club and organise coaching sessions and a current member of TRUGBY academy.

The club have two teams that play regularly in the league, Greenwich Taggers & Blackheath Taggers. We hope to have some members involved in the next World Cup 2026.

Location Link HERE
When: Every Saturday at 12:00am
Where: Blackheath Common (next to the church)
Also Tuesdays in summer (contact us for times)

Join us if you’re a resident or NOT of Blackheath. No need to know the rules, we’ll explain as we go.


Blackheath Tag Rugby Practice Locations

2023 Milestones

2024 Milestones
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