What they are saying about tag on the Heath.

Testimonial 2024

Joe Ridgley

“Great little community. A bit of exercise (which is fun) wrapped up with the option of a drink afterwards but never pressure. Great!”

Erica Wilson

“Great people and fun games + social after!”

Sam Smith

“Loads of fun!”

Edward McWilliams

“Great experience and very friendly players!”

Steve Downie

“Very professionally run and I didnt realise tag had become so sophsticated! But this is an excellent competition for all levels men and women”

Ruth Scott

“I love the games as they are social not competitive ,where people can play games in a relaxed atmosphere and build lifetime friendships .!”

Will Spurr

“A great crowd and a lot of fun playing tag rugby”

Michelle Brennan & Nathan Chapman

“5 Star”

Testimonial 2023


“Sport, fun, friendship, mental health”

Amy S

“The referee course, the balance between passion for the game and having fun shown by everyone”

Will M

“I think it’s really positive how times are moved to accommodate major matches on tv”

Ben K

“Great sense of community whilst being professionally run…..John and Errol put a huge amount of effort into this, which is massively appreciated.”

Katy K

“Love it. Appropriate level of competitiveness. Very social and welcoming.”

Unknown player

“Fun comp with good camaraderie with oppo teams and very well refereed..”


There is a definite misconception about the game of TAG and the game of Rugby! When you mention tag rugby to anyone, they immediately imagine large men tackling with a ball to gain possession. This is simply because of its age-old tradition, now there are women teams in contact rugby, and it’s moderated it’s tackling rules.

Tag is a modern mixed gender sport. There is NO physical tackling like in rugby. It’s a game of grabbing tags, a fun element, and ball throwing. The chase to catch the tag is the excitement for the player, and when the tag is pulled from the opponent’s hip, attached with velcro, it’s dropped to the ground. A team has 6 chances to get the ball from one end of the pitch to the other and that’s usually 70 metres from end to end.

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